Why Choose Eco-Friendly Building Materials?


Hey there, my fellow roofers! On the hunt for new roofing solutions but not sure which is the best bet? Well, you're in for a treat because we're about to dive into the world of eco-friendly roofing materials that'll make your structures tighter than a sailer's knot! From fast flashing to PIB membranes, we're covering all the bases to keep your projects high and dry.

You might be wondering, "What's the big deal with eco-friendly options?" Well, buckle up, buttercup, because we're about to take you on a wild ride through the environmental impact of traditional flashing, introduce you to some nifty green solutions, and even pit the new kids on the block against the old-school methods. By the time we're done, you'll be armed with the knowledge to make your buildings vaportight and Mother Nature-approved. So, grab your hard hat and let's get cracking!

Landfill concerns

And just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, we've got the landfill situation to deal with. Traditional construction is like a magician pulling waste out of a hat – it just keeps coming! We're talking excess materials, packaging, and discarded components that end up taking a one-way trip to Landfill Land. Each year in the US alone 12 million tons of asfalt shingles end up in land fills [4]. It's like we're trying to build a mountain of trash to rival Everest!

So, next time you're thinking about traditional flashing materials, remember: you're not just building a structure, you're potentially creating an environmental disaster movie in real-time! Maybe it's time to consider some greener alternatives, eh?

Carbon footprint of conventional materials

Now, let's chat about the carbon footprint of these conventional materials. Brace yourselves, because these numbers are about to knock your socks off! Reinforced concrete, the backbone of many buildings, comes with a whopping 635kg of embodied carbon per m³ [1]. So if we're taking an average house (112 m2)...That's like driving a car around the world...twice [2]!

But hold onto your hardhats, because it gets worse. Glass, that transparent troublemaker, produces a staggering 3,600kg of embodied carbon per m³ [1]. And steel? Oh boy, steel is like the Godzilla of carbon emissions, stomping in with 12,090kg of embodied carbon per m³ [3]. But the grand champion of carbon calamity is aluminum, with a jaw-dropping 18,009kg of embodied carbon per m³ [3]. That's enough to make even the most hardened environmentalist weep!

Recyclable and sustainable options

Suit up! Because we're about to dive into the world of eco-friendly flashing that'll make Mother Nature do a happy dance. First, let's talk about recyclable and sustainable options that'll make your building materials greener than a leprechaun's underpants!

Ever heard of Polyisobutylene (PIB) roofing membrane? It looks like your average Flex-Flashing, but with superpowers. Our PIB membranes has a Class T1 and T2 fire rating and a can withstand a heavy shot-gun blast - that's like having a roof that's both fireproof and bulletproof! Plus, it comes with a 20-year warranty, which is longer than most Hollywood marriages [5].

Performance Comparison: Eco vs. Traditional

Let's kick things off with the main event: Vapor impermiability. You might think traditional materials have the upper hand, but eco-friendly options are here to prove you wrong! These green warriors offer the same effectiveness as their old-school counterparts, but with a twist - they're kinder to Mother Nature [6]. It's like having your cake and eating it too, but the cake is made of recycled materials and tastes just as good!

Take Polyisobutylene (PIB), for example. This eco-friendly superhero doesn't just waterproof; it does it with style! It forms a smooth, seamless, and flexible membrane that tells algae and fungal growth to take a hike [7] And get this – it can be installed using our new Adhesive Spray! 

Durability and lifespan

Now, let's talk about staying power. PIB rubber, the heavyweight champion of eco-friendly roofing, can last for more than 60 years in some cases [8] That's longer than most Royal Regencies! It won't corrode, deteriorate, or degenerate - it's like the Queen Elizabeth II of roofing materials.

But wait, there's more! PIB has a secret weapon - it's UV resistant, offers strong adhesion, flexibility, and resistance to temperature fluctuations [9]. While traditional materials might be sweating under the sun or freezing in the cold, PIB is lounging with its sunglasses on, sipping a piña colada. And let's not forget about its insulation superpowers. It can help prevent heat from escaping through your roof, making your home cozier than a bear's den in winter [9].

PIB roofing, installed 2018 (Roslev, Denmark) - image captured 08.04.2024

Cost analysis

Now, I know what you're thinking - "All this eco-friendly goodness must cost an arm and a leg, right?" Well, hold onto your wallets, because you're in for a pleasant surprise! While the initial cost of eco-friendly materials might make you nervous, they're actually more cost-effective in the long run [10].

Think about it - with a lifespan of over 60 years [8], you won't be replacing your PIB roof anytime soon. That means fewer replacements, less maintenance, and more money in your pocket for important things... like that life-size garden gnome collection you've always wanted.

Plus, some eco-friendly options like PIB [11] are generally more wallet-friendly than say traditional roofing felt [12]. It's like finding a designer outfit at a thrift store price!

So there you have it, folks! Eco-friendly waterproofing materials aren't just good for the planet; they're tough, long-lasting, and easy on your bank account. It's time to go green and show those traditional materials who's boss!


The world of roofing materials has come a long way, offering eco-friendly options that can really pack a punch when it comes to both performance and sustainability. From PIB vapor barriers to flashing rolls, these green alternatives are proving they can go toe-to-toe with traditional materials while being kinder to our planet. The shift towards more environmentally conscious construction practices has an influence on not only the durability and effectiveness of our buildings but also their long-term cost-effectiveness and environmental impact.

As we look to the future of construction, it's clear that eco-friendly roofing solutions are here to stay. These materials offer a win-win situation, providing top-notch protection for your structures while helping to reduce your carbon footprint. By choosing these greener options, we're not just building better homes and offices – we're building a better world to live in. It's an exciting time to be in construction, with innovations that are causing a revolution in how we approach building a sustainable future.