What makes PIB foil unique?


Picture it: you're standing on a roof, surveying the damage from a recent storm. Shingles are scattered everywhere, and your old roofing membrane is looking the worse for wear. As you contemplate your options for a repair, you stumble upon PIB roofing foil and think to yourself, "What makes this stuff so special?"

Well, let me tell you - PIB is like the diamond of roofing membranes. It can withstand anything that Mother Nature throws at it without breaking a sweat. Heat and cold? No problem. Radon? Pshh, child's play for PIB. UV and ozone? Please, that's just a walk in the park.

But wait, there's more! PIB is also highly resistant to chemicals, weather elements like acid and salt, vibrations, and extreme temperatures ranging from -60˚ to +100˚. That's right, it can handle both freezing winters and scorching summers without batting an eye.

And here's the kicker - PIB is 100% stretchable in all directions. Can your current roofing membrane do that? I didn't think so. This means that no matter how much your roof expands or contracts due to temperature changes or settling foundations, PIB will remain intact and keep doing its job!

Still not Sold? Did I mention that PIB has another unique superpower - its the only rubber that is 100% gas impermiable. That applies to Radon too!

Now you may be wondering, what exactly does that mean? Think about those sad balloons that slowly deflate after your party. Have you ever wondered why this happens? It's because balloons are made of polyisoprene, which is not 100% airtight.

By far the biggest advantage of PIB is that it is extremely risistant to almost everything. Just 1mm of PIB can withstand 10.000 volts. - Per Poulsen CEO

More Good News? 

It is completely non-toxic and can be found in everday products like chewing gum, cosmetics, and hand cream, making it safe for both you and the environment. No more worrying about harmful chemicals seeping into your skin or polluting the air. Plus, this means you can work on your roof without having to wear a hazmat suit – unless that's your look, then by all means go ahead.

There are many products that are believed to be resistant to radon and other gases. But if they're not airtight, that is simply not true.

Now you may be wondering, what exactly does that mean? Think about those sad balloons that slowly deflate after your party. Have you ever wondered why this happens? It's because balloons are made of polyisoprene, which is not 100% airtight. 

That's what happens with regular roofing materials - they may keep out most of the vapor, but some still manages to seep through. PIB is like a fortress against moisture. It won't let even a single drop of water pass through the barrier. It's like one of those waterproof phone cases on steroids. So when you're dealing with harsh weather conditions or pesky leaks, PIB is your ultimate defender.